Tuesday, October 19, 2010

post birthday sentimentality...or something else entirely...who knows where this will go?

Last night was really nice. I got some nice phone calls from out of town friends, tons of love on the 'net, and some family came over for cake. It was a mellow, but good, birthday. I am 41 years old now. On some levels, that is crazy and on others, it is not. How did I get to here? How did I get to the point where I am sitting in front of a computer typing about my life. Would I have seen myself doing this if you would have asked me 5, 10, 15, or 20 years ago? Who knows? I certainly don't.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with where I am right now. Could it be better? Of course. Could it be worse? Definitely. I've led a very interesting life. I've done a heck of a lot of what I've wanted to do. I have had realizations, man. I still have questions, which is good, but I feel like I'm getting much better at finding the answers when I truly sit down and decide to look.

I thought about what my goals are for this 42nd year of my life. I will be having surgery about 5 months in, so a good portion of my year will be focused on getting my body ready for that and then recovering. By this time next year, I plan to be skateboarding again. That will be about 7 months after having my ACL reconstructed. So in terms of health, my goals are thus:
1. Begin today, 10-19-10, strengthening my leg. I will start riding the elliptical on a daily basis. I will also start working on the rest of my body as well. Push-ups and crunches each day.
2. Walking 3x per week at least a mile. This can be done at the gym or by walking to the park and walking around it. I can take the kids or Calvin or both.
3. Playing Wii helped before and it can help again.
4. Eat better. Processed sugar is my enemy. It really is. I don't exactly know why, but it makes me feel terrible. After my father in law goes back to Maine, it is diet city for me.

That's enough for now.

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