Friday, October 1, 2010

The initial voyage

I am approaching 41. Quickly approaching, actually, and I haven't really decided if I'm cool with being 40 yet. I think I am, I really do, but there is so much I thought I would have accomplished by now. Can't I just turn back the clock a bit and get a few do-overs?

I sit in a prison, literally, while I type this on my break. How clever I am for using "prison" and "break" in the same sentence, yet no one is committing a felony. How did I get here? There are some of you who may eventually read this that will say something smarmy like, "you earned it," and in all reality, I guess I did earn it. Maybe just not in the way that some of you smarmy types probably meant it.

My time in prison is just one story that I have to tell and I have many stories to share. It is the time, I think, to start sharing these stories. The question of the day, so far, has been "tell me about Puritan humping." I'm completely serious. Apparently the "ladies" I work with get the discovery channel (or something like it) on their prison cable. I ended up googling "puritan humping" but there was nothing listed. I'm kind of surprised it was not the title of something of a straight to DVD film, but one never knows. The more I think about it, that probably wouldn't be the best title for a porn, but there is a fetish for everyone, I suppose.

On the way to work today I listened to the Minutemen. I can't listen to them very often or I start writing songs that sound a lot like them, even though I am not nearly as "funky" a bass player as Mike Watt. I wish I were. I learned of my proclivity for out and out copy-catting after listening to a ton of Hammerhead during one particular summer. I was doing Hillbilly Devilspeak exclusively at that time and a lot of the HD songs from that period borrow heavily from Hammerhead. Shane, our drummer, liked to point that out a lot.

I suppose I should mention the family. For me, right now, family equals frustration. I have two teenagers at home with S.A.D. (selective auditory disfunction), a couple of 'tweens with L.M.D (lazy, mood, defiant) syndrome, and two toddlers sporting a cough and fever. I can't seem to win on this particular front. I am a book widow, as well, as my wife has discovered yet another series of vampire books. This last little factoid is karmaic in nature, though, as I am also capable of filling my spare time with vast amounts of piddling obsession. My oldest son is a Marine so I don't see or hear from him very often. I am proud of him, though, and I balance my pride and worry by reminding myself that he seems to always land on his feet regardless of the relative merit of his decision making prowess.

I have recently found out that I have a torn ACL, a torn meniscus, and a bruised tibia. These facts annoy and depress me. I have not skateboarded, which has always been a favorite hobby of mine, for over 3 months. I have a ramp in my backyard, much to the chagrin of the bookworm, that taunts me on a daily basis. In those 3 months, I have gained about 15 of the pounds back that I worked my ass off to lose (literally) last year. I am not happy about the sedentary life. Second opinion is coming this week, so decision time lays ahead about how and when to have surgery.

I have sampled a few of the new TV shows and find myself going back to my old faithfuls. I did enjoy the first episode the HBO show about Atlantic City and Prohibition. I also enjoyed "Raising Hope" quite a bit. I tried a few others, but I will not mention the ones I hated because I don't remember their names at this moment. Thank Yahweh for DVRs though.

For now, I am finished.

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