Thursday, December 30, 2010

the last of the myspace blogs


So last night I went to sleep hoping my ol' buddy would come visit me in my dreams. I do enjoy when my friends and family who have died show up in dreams. Instead I was treated to a long, very strange dream. The first part that I remember had to do with being given some kind of herb mixture (by my wife, no less) to eat. This mixture was supposed to turn me into a sort of Mr. Hyde kind of super evil kind of person. I'm not sure what that one meant. The herbs didn't work, except to make me feel kind of sick and weird. I think there was some relief there. After that, I went to a Damned show in some warehouse that was very sparsely attended. I know it was the same dream continued since I was telling Danny about the weird herbs. He gave me three pills and told me to share them with Todd. He said they would do the trick....whatever that meant. Why do people want me to be evil? Anyhow, I felt bad for the Damned because no one was there, so I went to see if they had a place to stay that night. I go straight up to Davy (Jones, that is) who is apparently fronting the Damned in my dream. He says thanks, but that Captain Sensible is not really a very good house guest. I'm sure that part is not accurate. Captain is a very nice man....anyhow.....after Davy shows me how to properly put spline in a screen door, I don't really remember much. I know I saw my old bandmates Terry and EJ getting ready to play in their new band, which was called "angels and outcasts"....

then I woke up.


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